All parcels shipped within the UK are FREE and are sent via Royal Mail Special Delivery service in 1-2 days.
All parcels shipped outside the UK are FREE and are sent via DHL+. In Europe 2-5 days, US 5-7 days.
Orders will be dispatched within 5 working days however.
Should Van Peterson Designs be unable to dispatch your order within 5 working days, you will be contacted by email with an estimated dispatch date.
All orders will be delivered in Van Peterson Designs branded packaging.
UK: all prices include 20% VAT.
Countries outside of the UK do not pay VAT on orders.
If you are not satisfied with your item(s) you have a right to cancel the purchase, return the item(s) and receive either a full refund of your money or exchange with another product.
If you wish to return an item please contact us via email beforehand on [email protected]. In your email please quote your name and order number and state the reason for your return.
Please note: Van Peterson Designs do not cover the shipment cost of returns, nor take liability for any damage incurred to the goods during returns shipment. We recommend that a trackable and insured service is used when returning an item.
All items must be returned unused in their original packaging.
All items must be returned and received within 14 days of purchase.
Once the item has been received we will process a refund or exchange.